Where can I find free & low cost help?
Private Counselling & Psychotherapy can’t always supply all the information you might need, and indeed when you might need it, nor can any therapist be an expert in every field.
This page lists websites and helplines that could be used in these cases. Additionally in many cases direct medical help should initially be sought from your local GP service & NHS IAPT provider.
N.B. The listing is provided in no specific order and does not purport to be complete nor does not imply a recommendation, endorsement or statement of quality.
The Samaritans - if you need someone to talk to immediately
FRANK (Drug problems, for users and their families, and carers)
National Domestic Violence Helpline - support and advice for domestic abuse
YoungMinds - a charity promoting emotional well-being in young people
Addaction - free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health
NSPCC - advice and support to adults concerned about a child's welfare
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation - UK-wide charity dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse.
StopSo - Specialist Treatment Organisation for Perpetrators and Survivors of Sexual Offending, we work with those at risk of turning thought into action.